Legal Opinion

Does The Ejaculation of the Mathi Invalidate Fasting ?

19. Does The Ejaculation of the Mathi Invalidate Fasting ?




What’s hukm for him who got madzi transmission while he was fasting because of thought about his wife ?


The right opinions out of the scholars points of  view, is the ejaculation of the madzi does not break the fast, as the ejaculation of the mathi is thing that comes out from the body and doesn’t obligate him to take bath, so it is like urine.


            It said by Abu Hanifah, Shafi’I, Hasan, Al-Sya’bi and Al-Auzai.


Other scholars view that it breaks the fast as the mathi comes out with lust like semen, and it’s the opinion of scholar Malik and Ahmad (Al-Mughni 4/361).


The first opinion is the right, and the more cautious way is staying away from its causes, as narrated by Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) she said : “Verily! The prophet (pbuh) kissed me while he wa fasting, but he is the most capable men of you in taking control of his lust” (Bukhori 3/39 and Muslim 2/777).


And it’s narrated by Abu Huraira that a man asked the prophet (pbuh) permission of playing with his wife (kissing, bantering, etc) while he was fasting, so then he (prophet) permitted him to do so, and then another  man came to ask,  then the prophet (pbuh) prohibited him, the person who he permitted to do so is an old man and the other one is the youngman. (Abu Daud 2387), so then this act is permissible for the person who is able to take control of his self and is secured from its effect/consequence.


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